Vereins Kirche in Frederickburg, TX Recognized by CSAA Schoolhouse Registry
From the Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post (November 1, 2017)
Submitted by Friends of Gillespie County Schools
The Vereins Kirche has been selected by the Country School Association of America to be entered into the National Schoolhouse Register. This designation is earned by former or current (one-room country) school buildings the CSAA considers worthy of recognition on the national level for their preservation efforts to be listed on the National Registry. Application was made by the Gillespie County Historical Society, which owns and operates the Vereins Kirche.
A metal plaque noting the designation was attached to the building that originally stood from 1847-1897.
"The building is the most iconic symbol of Fredericksburg, and we are proud to recognize its importance in the history of education of this county," said Jeryl Hoover, executive director of the Historical Society."
The original Vereins Kirche was the first public building in town and served as a school until 1856. It was also the town's storehouse, church, meeting house, and fort. The replica on Marketplatz was built as a project of the Civil Works Administration and was dedicated in 1936.
The date for this plaque recognition was chosen because it is the day the Gillespie Historical Society was recognized as a corporation by the state of Texas. The Vereins Kirche the served as the first headquarters of the GCHS and the Pioneer Memorial Library.
The GCHS also applied for and received the same recognition for the White Oak School, one of the 10 historic structures now on the grounds of the Pioneer Museum at 325 W. Main Street in Fredericksburg. The White Oak ceremony was in September, 2017.
Congratulations to Friends of Gillespie County Schools, the Gillespie County Historical Society, the Vereins Kirche and White Oak Schools!
Amazing schoolhouse preservation efforts are ongoing in Gillespie County.