CSAA Wraps Up 19th Annual Country School Conference
If you were unable to make this year's annual conference in Frederick, Maryland in June, we missed you, but we invite you to the 2020 conference to be held in Golden, Colorado June 14-17, 2020. Memories were made, friendships forged and schoolhouses were decked out for visitors! 24 presenters spoke on a myriad of topics in two days of programming, all new and different from previous conferences adding to our enjoyment of schoolhouses across the country.
Our coach tour of one-room country schools on day three encircled Washington, DC and highlighted untold stories of black and white schools in a divided south.
This year's theme, Countryside-Countrywide, certainly fit the bill for the information our speakers prepared in audio-visual and hands-on programming. For a look at our line-up for 2019 presentations, access the following link. This will give you an idea of the calibre of our presentations and the variety of topics offered in any conference year.
For a visual trip to our conference we offer a YouTube video slide show of our presenters and the all-day coach tour of historic country schools in the area.
We thank our 2019 Coordinator Ralph Buglass and his wife and able assistant, Karen, for hosting a perfect conference in so may ways! We also thank our sponsors (highlighted in the video) for their generosity in donating to our cause of preservation of our national remaining country schools.
Please consider a trip west for the 2020 conference themed...2020 Vision: Country Schools in Focus! Visit our website for up to date information on preservation efforts, membership, awards, and our annual conference.