It's just time....
Over the years, information on country schools that once appeared here in our CSAA Newsletter has migrated totally to FACEBOOK. We've decided that readers seeking schoolhouse information are better served by our sharing NEWS articles on Facebook from publications around the country. Their articles are timely and informative proving that the interest in preservation and restoration is alive and well across the country. We are able to share news from all 50 states and beyond and update our page regularly.
Readership is far greater on Facebook and CSAA reaches a wider audience than our newsletter. So, we say goodbye to the CSAA Newsletter and thank all our contributors.
Many of the articles from our former Newsletter will be found on MEMBERS ONLY when they are informational and not time sensitive.
CSAA will also begin to update resources and books, for and about country schools, that were listed on our Newsletter. That list will appear soon as a new tab titled COUNTRY SCHOOL RESOURCES. Keep watch.